
Wednesday 5 September 2012

The Haunted House

It was a shady day when me and my 3 friends were sleeping at my house because we were having a sleepover their names were Ngatokurua, Bella,Lesieli,Beautiful and leroy. We were playing truth or dare and then they told me to go across the street and walk into the haunted house “fine” I said to myself and then I walk across the street and stopped for a minute. Then walked into the haunted house there were dead bones stacked against the floor I walked 2 more steps and the door made this scary noise and then BANG!! It closed and I got a big fright. When I was walking I heard same lala music coming from somewhere, so I walked faster and faster and faster until I fell over.

A pile of rats ran across the floor and spiders landed on my face “ARR!!” I yelled to myself, but I kept walking and then the music turned off I walked into a different room and there was rat running around spider crawling on my spine. I saw a light came up and it was a broken touch light that I had in my back pocket. When I walked closer to the window I heard a screaming sound up the stairs and then the music came on again I run faster up the stairs with excitement “ARR.” I panicked and stopped at the door and the yelling stopped because she must of saw my shoes, then the door opened and was making a tripping sound and a little girl walked past. It was a little five year old girl and she had a evil grin on her face and laugh with an crispy sound on her face hahaha and I flew out the door. Then Bella and Ngatokurua were behind me and I didn’t know what happened to my friends they all had turn into something wicked. Then I ran downstairs and then they look like zombies and I screamed as hard as I could.  Leroy, Lesieli and beautiful were vampires I  they followed me and I saw my friends outside. They all had green and blue eyes and they looked weird. We all went back into the haunted house together and they saw the zombies and vampire version of themselves ARR!! We all ran out closing the door behind us and we saw  six graveyard stones and it said R.I.P ,Bella,Leroy,Beautiful, an Lesieli and we all fell in our graves but not Ngatokurua she tried to help us but the dirt was too heavy and then we wake up and then we were in your beds. What a scary dream we said to each other.


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