
Tuesday 18 June 2013

Unique's Homework

Complete the Procedural writing  in class today.

Reading Current Events


A. Write in the missing numbers for this number sequence,then Describe how it was created.

B. Skip Counting in 3’s,write the numbers that comes ...Before....After
1.20  24
2.45 48
3.64 67
4.72 81

C. Round these numbers to the nearest 10,100 or 1,000.
Nearest 10
1. 4344  4350
2. 2188 2190
3. 1226 1230
Nearest 100
4. 3436 3400
5. 5774 5800
6. 6191 6200
Nearest 1000
7. 6361 7000
8. 8979 9000
9.7193 7000

D. Add or subtract these numbers
1. 164 + 427 = 591
2. 369 + 689 =  1058
3. 534 + 359 =  839
4. 561 + 195 =  759
5. 895  - 179=   716
6. 758  - 584=   174
7. 400 - 538=    138
8. 519 - 144= 759
9. if you have $344 and are given $273  how much money do you have?
= 617
10. If you have $654 and spend $238 how much money do you have left?
= 416
11. 60 + 58 + 8 + 300
= 426
12. 5 + 200 + 80 + 300
= 585
13. 90 + 7 + 400 + 27
= 524

E. Multiply and Divide these numbers
1. 3 x 2 = 6
2. 10 x 1 =10
3. 9 x 8 =72
4. 2 x 4 =8
5. 5 x 10 =50
6. 1 x 7 =7
7. 9 x 10 =90
8. 7 x 5 =35
9. 3 x 10 =30
10 7 x 2 = 14
11. 8 x 4 = 36
12. 7 x 9 = 63
13. If you buy 20 books at $5 each, how much will it cost?
5 x 20  = 100
14. 10
15. 2
16. 7
17. 9
18. 1
19. 6
20. 7
21. 6
22. 8
23. 60
24. 6
25. 8
26. 40
27. What fraction of these are shaded? 5/10
28. If $32 is shaded by 4 people,how much money does each person? $8 left

F. Multiply and Divide Large Numbers.
1. 147 x 2 = 254
2. 258 x 2 = 516
3. 185 x 3 = 555
4. 274 x 3 = 822
9. If one car costs $21,000,hows much would it cost to buy 7 cars at the same price

Complete your science experiment presentation you did today in class. Post this on your blog.

15min read book

Learn your timetables and complete maths worksheet.
Complete your reading log.     

Maths Worksheet

A. Write in the missing numbers for this number sequence, then describe how it was created.

B. Skip counting in 4’s write the number that comes Before... After  
1. 12 16
2. 36 40
3. 47 51
4. 75 79

C. rounding these numbers to the nearest 10,100 and 1000
round these Numbers to the nearest 10
  1. 6341 6340
  2. 1438 1440
  3. 2379 2380
Round these numbers to the nearest 100
1.  7164 7200
2. 2756 2800
3. 3442 3400
round these numbers to the nearest 1000

1. 8634 9000
2. 9467 9000
3. 4871 5000

D. Add and Subtract these numbers.

636 + 335 = 971
593 + 264 = 857

Should Children allowed to have television in their rooms

I think that children are allowed to have television in your rooms because if we don’t we would be bothering your parent in their room.

But then if we do have television in your rooms we might be using most of the power and instead of watching the same program in two different rooms we could all watch it together in the some room and also use less power.



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